Alex Crisano on better views and improved looks
By: Bettina

Alex Crisano has got to be one of the most controversial basketball players and media personalities—from all the scandalous and dramatic feats with his previous sexy comedienne girlfriend to his hardcore ball games with the Barako Bull Energy Boosters, he’s one to be talked about by many. And like many, he’s done a lot of unpleasant things but has realized his redeeming value. He’s done with his bad boy stint and love life drama. What we can find now is a healthier, sexier Crisano, more than his newly sculpted body can tell.

“It’s all about motivation,” the 6’7” basketball hotshot shares. Wanting to motivate more people into becoming healthy and maintaining a better lifestyle, he’s now become the new image model for one of the latest technologies in body sculpting: the VASER high definition liposculpture by Claudine Roura of Contours Advanced Face and Body Sculpting Institute. This new technology takes out the fats formed around the muscles with greater intensity compared to the usual liposuction procedures, revealing a more toned muscle structure.

According to Crisano, he’s never looked and felt so much better about himself. With a more chiseled chest, sculpted shoulders and sides, and really well-defined six-pack abs, it is not a surprise if both women and men would take a second look or even stare at his sexier yet definitely masculine figure. When asked if he’s ready to reveal his improved physique in magazines he says, “If given the chance, why not?”

Going through surgeries like this may be unbecoming of any athlete—let alone a professional basketball player—but the new image model of Contours Institute says that this process had helped him look his best and be at his best despite all the usual activities he does to keep in good shape like his tedious basketball trainings, as well as swimming and dancing. He vouches for the safety of the procedure and highly recommends it to other athletes who want to add a notch up to their efforts in staying and looking fit by saying “It’s better than taking steroids!”

On top of his basketball career and constant work on maintaining a healthier lifestyle, he is also busying himself with his more creative streak through music. He sings, he raps, and he dances… and it seems like he’s not only a firecracker on the court, but he’s also as alive on the stage as he is when he’s playing ball. There’s no more fooling around for this PBA player—he’s really more into playing around. And all that he’s playing is a lot of basketball and a lot of his rap music.

“I’m just more motivated to focus on myself more, on staying healthy,” he happily shares, and the Contours Institute has helped him reach his goal. Crisano is now a fitter, sexier man than he already was.
The VASER high definition liposculpture procedure is highly recommended for individuals who already possess a physically fit body and would like to stretch their efforts further and have their bodies sculpted to achieve a leaner and more defined look with much ease. True to what Contours Advanced Face and Body Sculpting Institute is all about, the procedure is like treating the human body as an art. It’s designed to sculpt one’s body to near perfection… and art that’s near perfection is just an awesome sight to stare at.

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